Profit/loss (gross margin) report Follow
The Profit/Loss Report is a summary of your sales profit by category, subcategory, and product. The Profit/Loss Report also displays total sales by user.
To view the Profit/Loss Report through your uAccept web portal, follow these steps:
1. From the Reports tab, click Profit/Loss.
2. In the Search Filters section, select the date, location, and user for whom you would like data.
3. Click Search.
The report will display. By default, profit displays by category.
4. To view profit by subcategory, click on the desired category. Profit will display by subcategory in the expanded window.
5. To view profit by products, click on the desired category, then click on the desired subcategory. Profit will display by product in the expanded window.
Please note that this report is only as accurate as the data that is entered. So, if you are not entering costs for your products, you'll be showing a much higher profit than you're probably actually making!
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