Refunding a transaction Follow
Handle customer returns or comps by refunding transactions.
An item on a transaction cannot be refunded more than once — once a refund is issued for an item, that item will no longer appear in the original transaction when that transaction is viewed from the Refund Transaction screen on the POS. The record of the original transaction itself, which you can view on the Transaction Reports page in your uAccept account, will always display all items purchased, regardless of any refunds performed against it.
If the tender type for the original transaction was a credit card, then you have the option to issue the refund either to the card or in cash. If the original transaction tender type was cash, then you must issue the refund in cash.
On version 3.6.13, merchant accounts with certain processors can issue a credit card refund for one or some items on the original transaction. Partial refund-supporting processors are TSYS, First Data North, Mercury, and Heartland. All other processors require the entire original transaction to be refunded to the credit card and a new transaction re-rung where the new transaction contains only the non-refunded items from the original transaction.
To refund a transaction, follow these steps:
1. Tap Functions on the main application screen.
2. Tap Refund Transaction.
3. On the Refund Transaction screen, set search filters using the grey buttons on the left side of the screen.
4. Tap in the list to select the original transaction to be refunded; tap Confirm.
5. On the next screen, tap Refund All or tap individual products on the original transaction to move them one by one to the refund transaction.
If a product's quantity is greater than 1 on the original transaction, the software will prompt you to select the quantity to refund.
6. Tap Refund.
7. Use the keypad to enter the dollar amount displayed in the Total Amount Refunded area in the lower right hand of the screen. Tap the tender type for the refund - either Cash or Card.
The selected refund amount and tender type will display in the Refunded Payments pane at the lower left of the screen and in the Total Amount Refunded area.
8. Tap Confirm to continue processing the refund.
9. After pressing confirm on the uAccept system to process the credit card refund, the EMV reader should prompt the client to Tap, Insert, or Swipe the credit card.
10. If the refund is successful, the uAccept System will print a refund receipt and display the main application screen.
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